Dippin' & Sippin' with Ryan Blaney
July 21, 2021

What does Charge Ahead mean to you?
Charge Ahead to me means always keep pushing to get better and your craft. Whether it’s your sport or desk job, there’s always areas to improve.
What has been the most memorable challenge in your racing career?
The most memorable challenge in my career has been the difficulties of Cup racing. It’s hard to know what to expect going into your first year. As a kid, it's tough to compete at the highest level and that challenge is something I’ll never forget.
How is tradition important to you personally and professionally?
Tradition is very important to me in both my professional and personal life. A lot of it is what you grew up on with what your parents teach you. But it’s also important sometimes to break tradition in or order to make yourself a better person.
What is your usual dipping ritual?
My dipping ritual in the morning is something I do every day: wake up in the morning and have a big cup of coffee with a dip in. Seems to get me going every morning and ready for the day. That never changes.

Why do Black Buffalo products resonate with you?
I love the BB brand because they have a lot of the same mindsets as I do, always wanting to grow and continue to improve. I can’t wait to see where the company goes in the near future.
What’s your go-to “dippin’ and sippin’” beverage to pair with Black Buffalo?
My dippin' and sippin' combo, besides coffee in the mornings, is a nice bourbon or whiskey on ice. I’m a big Buffalo Trace fan and that always pairs well with the Peach Long Cut.
Who is in your “herd”?
I keep my herd very small, a few friends from childhood and others I grew up racing against that I still do today. Good group of fellas that’ll be with me till the end.