Win Cash The Black Buffalo Way
February 14, 2018
Tobacco alternative Black Buffalo is charging ahead full steam, but we need your help to grow this beast even bigger. We’re holding a month-long contest to spread the word about Black Buffalo. The rules are simple. The ca$h prize is awesome.
Here’s how to play.

The more friends you get to subscribe to our newsletter, the more chances you have to win $1,000 cash.
Click the banner at the top or bottom of the screen to get your unique code. Email it to your coworkers, Tweet it to your followers, write it on a napkin for the bartender — however you want to get the word out, do it. Every time someone subscribes to our newsletter by clicking your unique link, you get another entry.
The contest starts February 14th and runs through March 15th. That’s how long you’ve got to get as many friends to sign up as possible.
The person with the most entries wins $1,000 cash. Not a gift card, not a weak ass check. Cold, hard ca$h. It’s that simple.
Nothing, beyond spreading the word. No spam. No selling your info. No bullshit. If you’re reading this, you probably already subscribe to our newsletter and know what we’re about: sending you badass content and making the highest quality tobacco alternative.
If you like money, invite your friends. If you know people who like to dip, invite your friends. If you want to help us charge ahead with our badass products, invite your friends.
We think you get the message. Thanks for playing, and #ChargeAhead!