5 Facts About Our Favorite "Big 5" Animal - The African Cape Buffalo
February 15, 2019
Loyal, protectors, and known to stick together, here are five Cape buffalo facts and characteristics we dig.
Cape buffalo are hunted more than any of the other Big Five animals combined.
They present the greatest challenge due to their unpredictable nature. It can cost more than $15,000 for a hunter to risk their life on a Cape buffalo excursion.
Thankfully, Cape buffalo are the least threatened species compared to the other Big Five.
That includes the African elephant, Black rhinoceros, African lion, and African leopard. Their current population is just under 1 million with ~75% of them existing on protected reserves where it's illegal to hunt.
Nicknames for the Cape buffalo include "Black Death" and "Widowmaker."
It's only true predators are humans and lions, meaning it has very little competition. It's considered the most dangerous to hunt because it will fiercely defend itself (and the herd) with strength in numbers when under attack. They've been known to seek revenge on an enemy years after being threatened by them.
Despite their menacing presence and ability to kill, Cape buffalo are vegetarians.
Their diet consists of tall grass, shrubs, and bushes. It's part of the reason we chose the company name when we realized we could replicate the look and feel of smokeless tobacco with a trade secret blend of green leaves.
Cape buffalo travel in packs often referred to as a herd, although other nicknames include mafia and gang.
It's a large family dynamic in which everyone looks out for the greater good of the whole. "Dagga boys" (nickname for lone bulls) are kicked out of the herd for either a lack of loyalty or falling behind the movement due to weakness. Don’t be a dagga boy.